Java and a friend

October 20, 2008

I had a long conversation with someone who I had’t talked to for a long while, probably at least six months.  It was like, well I don’t know how I can describe it, except to say it was fun.

As for Java?  Well I haven’t done much pure, in a loose sense, Java programming after exploring the Android and Apple SDK’s.  It may be time to pick up on a couple of projects I left off of a while ago.

I also have some web developement projects that I invested some time into a few weeks ago that need reviewing.

Oh, and we still aren’t completely packed.

Google Android SDK 1.0 with Ubuntu 8.04

September 25, 2008

For those of you of programming nature I have found an excellent step by step, hold your hand guide to installing the Google Android SDK under Ubuntu.  It’s an idiots guide and that’s how I like it.

Anyway, I have it all installed and will be playing around with it today with the idea to possibly develop applications for the Android market place.  We’ll see what happens.

Anyway, here is the link.

Guess who’s back?

April 29, 2008

Yes, I’ve been neglecting my blog again.  Okay, not just my blog but my internet habit in general.  Things have just been way too hectic around here.  There is too much to go into detail over to be honest.  All I can say really is that some people have shown their true colours over the past week.  It is disgusting the way some people will behave when they think money is involved when in fact the money has nothing to do with us or them.  But, let them continue on their own misguided course.  The only thing that they stand to achieve is to ensure how silly, small and malicious they are.  I for one don’t mind watching their fall from relative grace.

Other notes?  Well, things are pretty normal apart from that. I am still giving a lot of time over to Chess and am picking up my Java from where I left off.  My websites have suffered during my absense and are in serious need of a good going over.

And that’s all she wrote.  I will endevour to ‘do more’ here as of now.

Guess who's back?

April 29, 2008

Yes, I’ve been neglecting my blog again.  Okay, not just my blog but my internet habit in general.  Things have just been way too hectic around here.  There is too much to go into detail over to be honest.  All I can say really is that some people have shown their true colours over the past week.  It is disgusting the way some people will behave when they think money is involved when in fact the money has nothing to do with us or them.  But, let them continue on their own misguided course.  The only thing that they stand to achieve is to ensure how silly, small and malicious they are.  I for one don’t mind watching their fall from relative grace.

Other notes?  Well, things are pretty normal apart from that. I am still giving a lot of time over to Chess and am picking up my Java from where I left off.  My websites have suffered during my absense and are in serious need of a good going over.

And that’s all she wrote.  I will endevour to ‘do more’ here as of now.


April 5, 2008


My programming skills are not quite complete, but, the joke is funny!

Thank you Digg.


February 28, 2008

Sometimes I wonder why it is computers and computing mean so much to me.  I know how interesting I find almost every aspect of them and that I am proud to be a nerd / geek.  Any, they do, and because of that I have another blog post based almost solely on my habit.

In brief.  I have moved my big desktop downstairs, it runs Hardy Heron and is now the family pc.  My new laptop runs Gutsy Gibbon, not Hardy, simply because it doesn’t like some laptop features yet.  My laptop that my mum was having, she doesn’t want anymore, so that is my tester with HH on.  (xp fell off in a partitioning mishap, meaning it is no longer dual boot.)  The eee remains installed with a customized Ubuntu install.

So the long and the short of it is that mainly I run Ubuntu, but still with Slackware and Debian thrown in.  The rest of the family are Vista users still, except on the main family PC which I insist remains Ubuntu, although Vista is on there as well, shhhh.  I think they should get used to as many OS’ as possible anyway, especially as I heard a rumour that Scotland could be going Linux in schools and that could well mean that England won’t be far behind.

Java?  Well I have missed a couple of days due to being generally under the weather.  However I am getting back to it, well, now.

Oh, and in case you noticed, or didn’t, I have added a gallery on the site and will hopefully be adding it to the rework of CJ’s site in the not too distant future.


February 24, 2008

It’s 19.15 and I’m already exhausted.  Not sure exactly what’s wrong with me these days!  Seems I get really tired really easily…

Makes me feel guilty about how Marie must feel.  She does so much around the house and I don’t do nearly enough.  Have to make some improvements there and try and give her a bit more R&R, there is no doubt in my mind that she deserves it and that I should try and make things easier for the one I love.

As for me, well I am still reading and programming away.  Have planned and started coding my first proper project, referring to the Java api as I go.  Like I say though, I’m so tired at this moment in time that I am going to take a Java text book to bed and crash.  Hopefully this extra tiredness will pass soon.

One last thing, we had my Grandfather over for Sunday dinner and to watch the Carling Cup final on TV.  Chelsea lost 2-1 to Spurs at Wembley.  Bah.

Oh! Oh!  And I got so sick of Vista on my new lappy that I installed Ubuntu in a dual boot last night.  Vista lasted less than a week.  I had really forgotten how bloated it is.  Could have gone with xp, but it’s aging now and Ubuntu spanks it’s arse in every area I can think of.

Fighting Fantasy

February 23, 2008

This is pretty much a post on my progress with Java.  It’s going well when there is peace enough for me to concentrate.

I have written my first very simple game and am now moving on to a more complex, how shall I put it?  Converting of an old Fighting Fantasy book into a playable Java game.  Why this project?  Well, it will be pretty much text based and rather simple to code.  At least that is what I am hoping.

I am just converting a couple of PDF’s of a couple of the books to .txt format before I have a read through and decide how to proceed with the design.

Well Hello There

February 21, 2008

Just a little general entry here.

Better start with my Java diary, and I have to say everything is going as it should be.  What I will say however is that I am dipping in and out of a few different books now, 4 or 5 of them, including Sun’s own online manual.  Where am I in the grand scheme of things?  Well not very far, but I am coming to understand the Java fundamentals, meaning that when I look at the code it isn’t just code anymore.  Doesn’t sound like much, but when you look at a page of code and it doesn’t just look like lines of mixed up rubbish, I can assure you it’s a good feeling.  Program wise?  I have done the usual ‘Hello World’ as is customary and am progressing further up the code chain, so to speak.  Have been playing with a few IDE’s, including Eclipe, Netbeans and JCreator.  As well as doing the ‘book’ work I have been downloading the source code of other Java programs and giving them my limited once over.  All in all I am loving it, now it’s just finding as much time as I would like to devote to it…..

Personal notes:  Well there isn’t a huge amount other than things ticking over much of a muchness.  Girls are on half term so the house is full all day.  Baby is doing great, which reminds me that I need to do some more updates to her site.  Fiddled about with the built in webcam on this lappy and took a photo for my IM.  Exciting no?

Java, the final frontier…

February 19, 2008

Ok, well maybe not the ‘final’ frontier for me.  But a new frontier.

Today I take my first proper step into the world of Java programming and intend to keep a regular ‘Java diary’.

So I have read a few articles online and skim read some other bits and pieces online.  I have invested in a rather hefty book and am pretty much good to go.

Thus begin the voyages of me, my continuing mission to explore strange new code, to seek out new objects and arrays…. to bolding use classes where I have never used classes before.
